Muscles for Muscles

NutraBio stands for healthy muscles. We all exercise at our own level and we do that to be mentally strong and physically healthy. Healthy muscles are crucial for this, which is why tens of thousands of people around the world have been using NutraBio for 25 years. Unfortunately, this is not for everyone. And that is often determined at a young age.

About 200,000 people in the Netherlands suffer from a muscle disease, including 20,000 children. There are more than 600 different types of muscle diseases, the cause and course of which are often unknown and unpredictable. Many children with a muscle disease are wheelchair bound and a cure is almost always impossible.

The impact of a muscle disease on a child, the family and the environment is enormous. Spieren voor Spieren has the mission to defeat all muscle diseases in children. In the Spieren voor Spieren Child Center of the UMC Utrecht, among others, as much money as possible is collected for scientific research, rapid diagnosis, the best treatment and innovative care.

For this reason, NutraBio NL has decided to collaborate with Spieren voor Spieren (www. Muscles for We, with healthy muscles, would like to help children with sick muscles through donations, promotions and events. With every purchase you can make a donation to Spieren voor Spieren. This can be a percentage of your purchase amount or an amount of your choice. Every euro is very welcome.

NutraBio NL will also organize special promotions and events throughout the year with the aim of raising as much money as possible for Spieren voor Spieren.

Do you have fun ideas to raise money with friends or, for example, your sports club? We would like to hear from you! Your help is greatly appreciated!

We call on everyone to take action and use their healthy muscles for sick muscles.